Awakening to Fire

Conversations with the Higher Self (2)

‘I was thinking about the fact that I will never be able to forgive my twin. I perceive this clear, profound and precise voice, inside of me.

Until you will be ready to forgive your twin, you will not be able to forgive yourself!

“What do you mean? I don’t understand anything! Elaborate, please!”

What I mean is that you also need forgiveness, and until you are not ready to forgive another human being, you did not understand anything, and you will never be able to forgive yourself, you will never be able to find healing!

“How can I forgive others? How can I forgive myself? It is hard!”

You must understand that if they have hurt you, it doesn’t mean that they do not love you! They just functioned at the capacity that they have had at that moment! By judging them, you cut them from being; you allow them <<not to grow>>, and what you must comprehend is that the Source Itself wants you to receive love at the level that the Source is loved, so that you’ll be ready to understand the Source. You also need to transform your humanity, you need to grow. If you judge somebody, you cut them from being, and you doom them; you allow them not to grow;  you kill them;  you kill their becoming and most important, you do not remain in love. You separate yourself from The Source. You have to give up all judgment, and you have to spread love.

“I start to understand but many people commit so many errors, and if you do not apply judgment, they will believe that whatever they do, it is a good act; they will confound evil and good!”

Evil and good do not exist. There are only some moral precepts specific to certain levels of development.

“Then, how should I know what to do if there is no absolute moral behaviour?”

Growth has nothing to do with a certain moral conduct. Moral conduct imitates love. People need it, because they don’t love. If they would love, they would not need a set of rules to guide them. The more you abide in form, the less you experience and manifest love!

“That sounds sinful! Like an encouragement to sin. To break all rules. God would not say that! If You are God, you gave us the rules, now You come to us and tell us that rules are not good. How is that?”

If I gave the rules, then I have all the right to change them, but if man gave them, they are no good anyhow!

“What’s your idea? What do you want to bring new into this world?”

I want to shake once more the world and its foundations. To awaken everybody to their true identity. To make them experience the truth!

“What is The Truth?”

That they are never separated from The Source.

“If they are never separated from The Source, then why is there so much pain in the world? What kind of Source are you?”

The Source is never pain in the way people think. God is not responsible for everything that you experience, because you are a co-creator of your own reality! You must assume responsibility!

“Then you are not The Absolute!”

The Source is not a tyrant; you have to wake up! To give up all these stories of an angry god that punishes everybody! These ideas were created by man and, they come from fear and self-judgment! God doesn’t judge anybody! Everybody chooses their own path and everything happens for spiritual development! You must comprehend that by judging your twin, (we have begun from this point!), you are asleep; you are not awake!

“If I know You, then I am awake!”

Awakening is not a moment in time; it is not a revelation, but a state of being! You are awakened when you are in alignment with The Ultimate Truth, that is, being One with The Source! You are growing in awakening, if that makes sense to your mind!

“I am trying to understand!”

Try not to judge! Anybody! Each person has a unique path! You must follow your own; you must grow at your pace rate; you must find happiness now!”

“You’ve killed me with this now. I have nothing now! How can I be happy now?”

Happiness is not having. It is maintaining your clear mind. It is the peace of mind. Your peace of mind creates your external happiness, not the other way around!

“You’ve lost me here! What should I do now?”

Learn to maintain the peace of mind! Stop aggressing yourself with words and actions! Ask yourself where the place that you are not in alignment with yourself is! Stop judging! Meditate! Create joy! Be peaceful!”

“Be free! Be limitless!

Awakening to Fire

“I am enough! I am enough! I deserve to be loved! This is the truth, and seeing it has helped me already. Am I going to be able to heal? Yes! How? If in my own consciousness, in my own energetic field, I have encoded with my own hands: ‘You are not enough!’ I must strive to self-heal, although I have no idea how to do it! The way I feel is iconic for our era!

We all believe that we are the by-product of someone else’s bad choices! We all believe that we are the victims of our environment and circumstances! We all believe that we cannot change our lives for good! We are all able to do it, and I, being on the road towards self-healing, add to the healing of the entire humanity!What you do, today, for yourself, will mark humanity forever!”

N.B. If you are interested in my romance novel, ‘Awakening to Fire’, you can order it by accessing the following link:

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Awakening to Fire

Day 68: The Valley of the Shadows of Death

Motto: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
(Franklin D. Roosevelt)

‘Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadows of Death, I will fear no evil, because I am with me! I have always feared being alone, and now that I am truly alone, in the most authentic way, I have realized that I have still value; that fear is useless, because I was loved from the beginning of Time. We cannot lose what is ours – and knowing that releases us from any kind of fear-bondage! What is meant to go – will go; what is meant to stay – will stay; and if by chance what was meant to stay – goes, then it will come back! What was meant to love you, will love you until the very end, no matter how developed you are or not; no matter how beautiful you are or not – because it is not dependent on outward circumstances!

In the darkest night of the Soul, I whisper to myself: Faint not! Hold on! Tomorrow comes the Song, the Joy! Or how a friend of mine would say: <<Mon cher, wait! Patience!>>’

N.B. If you are interested in my romance novel, ‘Awakening to Fire’, you can order it by accessing the following link:

Awakening to Fire

Awakening to Fire

Day 73: The fear and the trap of the mind

Motto: “Do not dwell in the past; do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” (The Buddha)

‘I have got to the conclusion that there is a direct connection between the mind and our greatest fears. The mind is the bleak house of all fears, of all traumas. The mind is like a camera that films a scene and then recreates it over and over again, and garners its essence in different scenarios. If you do not master your mind, it will ruin your life, because it will teach you all lies. It will tell you that you are not sufficient; that you are ugly; that nobody can love you; that you are unworthy; that you cannot change! It will say every possible untruth, because it is a mirror that reflects your traumas! The mind has to be trained to mirror something else. You have to break through the veil of the apparent mind, and to get to a place of peace and love that is unshakable! There, you will find your true identity, your true self, which is not a “self”, but pure-consciousness. Then, you can heal yourself, and after healing, you will be able to live your life the way you want, in a powerful and meaningful way! Nobody can set you free, only you can. They are all guides; they are all doctors of the soul, in the sense that they will try to bind your wounds and make your path much easier, but the truth is that only you can heal yourself, both consciously and unconsciously!’

N.B. If you are interested in my romance novel, ‘Awakening to Fire’, you can order it by accessing the following link:

Awakening to Fire

A Deadly Mistake

I.   You have given your crimson-velvety-heart

     to everyone – except yourself.

     You have injected everyone with the sweet-antidote-of-joy,

     But your being.

II.   This elevated heaven of feeling, colours, and strong support

       Existed only as a faraway-fictional-land,

       Only as a deceiving story,

       Not as a concrete-space-of-healing,

       Because you did not heal your own wounded soul.

III.   Yet. Today is a new opportunity

        To envision the world through hoping-lens,

        To change your focus,

        And to commence again.

IV.   As long as you still breathe,

       You are still the director

       Of this fascinating movie call ‘Life’.

       No audience can erase your Unique Signature.

V.   -The last page of Your Script has not been written yet.

      Do you realize how blessed you are?

Awakening to Fire

“We are not different! We are one, in both our humanity and in our divinity! We share the same amount of pain. We are born into this world, and we have a divine purpose to accomplish. Our lives are precious; we must never give up the fight; it is not for the victory in itself, but in order to honour our divine essence, and be an example to others. To share compassion – with all!

We do not know what will happen! Some aspects of the journey are hidden. We would not grow otherwise! What you all can do is stay in the now moment, and share love with all humanity! There is no higher truth, but just to love one another! To quit our humanity, more and more, daily, and to expand our souls! To be grateful for every experience and, ultimately, to be proud that we were born, and that we have lived!”

N.B. If you are interested in my romance novel, ‘Awakening to Fire’, you can order it by accessing the following link:

Awakening to Fire

Give up Resistance and Learn how to Trust

We are taught, from a young age, how to fit in society, how to salute, respect others, and mingle in. And that is important. But who teaches us that others, in this cruel world, will try to take away of light, our personality, our dreams, our right to be ourselves? People are very intolerant, even if they profess themselves to be ‘spiritual’, or ‘educated’. They no longer insult you directly, but they treat you coldly, they go to your friends, they undermine your name, your work, your mission.

And all this – just because you are different, and you stay true to what you are. The danger in this experience is not to be hit, but to become like them – a “Judas”, a false friend, a person who betrays his Master by a kiss. Do not get corrupted by the violence of others! Stay in your truth! Profess it! Live it! Teach others according to your own revelation! But do not get intolerant to other’s views and paths! We are in this to evolve, to expand our consciousness, not to show off!

What is the gain in being yourself, and being compassionate? Your light will reach its purpose: you will uplift others! These are the true light-workers, those who shift the world by their soul-flame! We are not here to harm, or to forcibly awaken anybody! We are here to shine! Others will follow us, on their own accord! And, eventually, the entire humanity will be changed! This represents Divine Love! To create a space of healing around yourself, around your “twin-flame”, around your “soul-mate”, around the entire humankind!

The more we surrender to the Divine, the happier we will be! So, dear reader, today, give up that struggle with your own heart! Learn how to trust! You are loved by a Love-Consciousness that cares for you, all the time! You are not forgotten, by any means! Give up resistance, and the obsession for a certain outcome! Just be – light, love, hope! This will be enough to change everything around you! Things will change for the better, as you will change, and jump from the level of fear to the level of love. The only solution – live through the heart, through love, not fear! Then, the sweet morning will come!

Awakening to Fire

I have understood something: God or The Higher Self will lead you into ways that you have never thought possible, by using your passion, or the passion of the person you love, or the hate of your enemies. Or dire circumstances. Or severe pain. There are goals to achieve, things to change, people to touch, and, sometimes, the attraction of your comfort zone is so high that you would not leave the place of both your comfort and doom unless highly and powerfully motivated. God will use anything to motivate you: the “giving” of your twin, or the “taking” of your twin. God will use love, betrayal and death. God will use any kind of existential aspect to make you change and act.

You must never fear to follow your heart, because God will use that to take you where you must be. God brought your twin in your life in order to break your life and give you the realization of yourself and of your identity, but sometimes the same God will take your twin away from you, and that is very hard to accept. It took me almost two years to understand that God is taking my twin away. Why? I could not understand… Why, if I was given such a beautiful gift, why is it being taken away? I do not fully understand even now, while I am writing this, but I had the illumination that nothing that happens to us is sent to break us, to destroy us, but to make us. God uses both our passion and our loss to position us exactly where we must be.

We have a divine purpose to fulfil and the road is not clear but sinuous. There are many stops and delays and some victories along the way! If you believe that only the victory is part of  the plan, then you will suffer enormously, and feel trapped in a cage of pain that will paralyze you. You will stop living, just like I did. You will refuse to love anybody else besides your twin; you will refuse to accept reality, and the truth may be that you have been rejected. Stop thinking that deep down they want you – as long as they are with somebody else, they do not. You can try to figure out how in the world can they reject such a gift, but the truth is they can. You can say that they are asleep, or whatever, but remember that even your twin is a tool with which you are being transformed, changed, from a caterpillar into a butterfly.

God will use the pain and your hopes to bring into your life the metamorphosis. Do not say that you were stupid to believe in your twin; it was the Higher Self guiding you into a path of self-denial and renunciation that few walk upon. You have become a martyr of the spirit, because you have sacrificed your ego on the altar of love. It is crucial to understand that sometimes a person was meant to come across your path to produce a change in you, or to ignite your passion, to give you power to start something, but they are not meant to stay. Only time will tell, and the idea that they were meant to be with us forever is like poison. It will prevent you from ever recovering from such a loss as the loss of your twin.”

N.B. If you are interested in my romance novel, ‘Awakening to Fire’, you can order it by accessing the following link:

Awakening to Fire

Awakening to Fire

“In the now, I have no enemies, only friends. The warrior, the wounded, the slave, the addict, the avenger, “the happy”, “the sad”, all these instances of the ego exist only in the present. In the now, I am one with everybody, I am one with God and I clearly see that I am eternal, because I am The Ultimate Observer! I am The Will, I am Consciousness itself. I have no regrets and no goals; I only know that I am meaningful.”

N.B. If you are interested in my romance novel, ‘Awakening to Fire’, you can order it by accessing the following link:

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Awakening to Fire

When you realize that you live for God, not for a human being, then you are free! You understand that you have lost nothing, as long as you did not lose God. Day by day, work for your “resurrection”. There are thousands of ways to recover, the first is always forgiveness. What they have done to you might seem unforgivable, but you must affirm out loud that you forgive them, although they do not deserve it and then, say also that you forgive yourself, although you do not deserve it either. The second step is to live in the now moment. Embrace everything that is happening to you. Receive and give happiness and love other human beings. If you cannot practice unconditional love with your twin, practice it with other human beings! It is never in vain!

Another important thing: do not get trapped by self-pity. They have left me because I am not beautiful enough, smart enough, because I am not educated, like them, because I have children, because, because, because! No. Your twin has run away from you because of himself/herself. Your twin has rejected you because of himself/herself. You have put the mirror in front of them and they are so scared of their own “ugliness” that they run or reject or both! Remember what they have told you, every single painful word and know that they actually have said that to themselves. In your presence, they are exposed, they become vulnerable. You are their greatest “nightmare”!

Make plans. It is very important to keep your mind focused on future plans of joy and fulfillment. It can be anything. Buy a new house, visit a special place, raise a child. Anything. You have to have a sense of control and dignity, a sense of purpose. Without these things you will become a wreck, emotionally and you cannot let what has happened to you cripple you! Always believe in yourself and in your purpose. Soon, you will be out of the pit, celebrating the victory! Your pain will be vanished, your scars – nonexistent. You will have only you from your past experience, that is all that you will take with you. A powerful, forgiving, loving You. A you like God.

N.B. If you are interested in my romance novel, ‘Awakening to Fire’, you can order it by accessing the following link:

Awakening to Fire